Media Credits
Media Credits and Copyright
The ISUPK is currently updating our existing private information policy and expanding its scope to include “private media.” Under our existing policy, publishing other people’s private information, such as phone numbers, addresses, and IDs, is already not allowed on the ISUPK platform. This includes threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so.
What is in violation of this policy?
Under our private information policy, you can’t share the following types of private information or media, without the express written permission of the person who it belongs to:
- home address or physical location information, including street addresses, GPS coordinates or other identifying information related to locations that are and may be considered private;
- personal identification documents, including government-issued IDs and/or social security or other national identity numbers – note: we may make limited exceptions in regions where this information is not considered to be private;
- personal contact information, including non-public personal phone numbers or email addresses;
- personal financial account information, including bank account and credit card details; and
- other private information, including biometric data or medical records.
- personal media owned by private individuals without the permission of the person(s) depicted.
The following behaviors are also not permitted:
- making threats to publicly expose someone’s private information;
- sharing someone else’s personal information that would enable individuals to hack or gain access to someone’s private information without their consent,e.g., sharing sign-in credentials or online banking services;
- asking to be paid or seeking financial gain or reward in exchange for posting someone’s private information;
- asking to be paid or seeking financial gain in exchange for not posting someone’s private information, sometimes and often referred to as blackmail.
When private or personal information or media has been shared on Solar Info America, we consider that information is being used solely for the purposes of creating a Client account, Personal account or for the purpose of creating projects or providing services.
Sharing private media
When we are notified by individuals, or by an authorized representative, that they did not consent to having their private works shared, we will remove it.
We recognize that there are instances where account holders may share images or videos of private individuals in an effort to help someone understand a Project or Service being offered, is such cases if there are no complaints filed and the site user has obtained permission from the content owner Solar Info America will allow the media to remain on the website.
The Content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any duplication, processing distribution or any form of utilization beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the written consent of the author or author’s in question. Please contact us if you notice a violation of this policy on the Solar Info America website pertaining to you directly or indirectly.